Augmenting groundwater recharge and water storage across seasonal streams


Rainfall from southwest monsoon was by and large normal at most of the sites. However, continuous and excess rainfall was also experienced at some locations. At Satna in Madhya Pradesh, ridge and furrow planting of July sown greengram doubled the yield at 3.6 q/ha compared to 1.8 q/ha in control. At Datia, broad bed furrow planting of soybean protected the crop during excess rainfall situations in July-August which resulted in 40% increase in grain yield and 50% increase in net returns over control where the crop suffered. Similarly raised bed planting of onion at Bengaluru avoided crop damage due to water logging from excess rainfall. Despite plant population being 28% less compared to flat bed sowing through broadcasting of seed, a higher bulb yield (3 t more), 8% less rotting and higher price of Rs.600/q was achieved with raised bed planting.

